Thursday, October 11, 2012

Adaptive Filtering with GNURADIO & USRP : Part-3

There are following files in gnuradio which can help me for adaptive filtering :

In the downloads folder there are following :



In the installation folder there are following :


I asked in the gnuradio community regarding these two versions of the adaptive_fir_filter classes i.e. &

I got the reply as :

In many cases where we have functionality that we might want to use
other than as a GNU Radio block, we create an implementation class,
which we then create a gr_ class that wraps around this to bring the
implementation into an actual gr_block. So in this case, both are
valid, but one is a gr_block the other is the algorithm used inside of
the gr_block.


This means that gr_adaptive_fir_ccc makes the adaptive filter block while adaptive_fir_ccf_impl contains the implementational details of the same.

Lets look into them one by one :

Starting from in /Downloads/gnuradio/gnuradio-core/src/lib/filter/  and its header gr_adaptive_fir_ccc.h in /usr/local/include/gnuradio/

Dependency graph for gr_adaptive_fir_ccc.h can be found at

Dependency graph tells us what headers they include in a hierarchical manner.

Inside the header a class named "gr_adaptive_fir_ccc" has been declared

The class reference can be found at

So it seems that this class is used in three examples :




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