Monday, October 14, 2013

dial_tone example revisited

Some find outs from the

Sampling Rates: The same sample rate, 32000/44100, is used in the creation of signal sources and the audio sink. Certain blocks must agree on the rate at which they are sending or receiving data. However, the adder is not dependent on sampling rate, it simply adds whatever it receives.

Take notice of the _ff in gr.add_ff and the _f in gr.sig_source_f. Most blocks indicate their input/output data types in their name. In this case, f is for float. The signal sources output a stream of floats, and the adder takes and outputs floats as well. Obviously, the audio sink must take a stream of floats. However, this is not indicated by the name. 

Mutiple Inputs/Outputs: Certain blocks have more than one input or output. Some have two, some have infinite. The adder has one output and an infinte number of inputs. In the above example, we use only two inputs of the adder. Inputs and outputs have indexes starting at 0 and counting up. "tb.connect(src2, (adder, 1))" means that we want to connect the output of src2 to the second input of the adder. By not specifying an index, index 0 is implied. Therefore, "tb.connect((src2, 0), (adder, 1))" would have an identical effect.

Source : Josh Knows 

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